Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Target Audience- Reflect

Everything has a target audience, from Cars to felt tips. Without a target audience the product wouldn't be marketed or advertised well. The target audience for our Music Video are teen girls, into mainstream music. I devised a questionnaire for teens of all races and genders just to get a feel of where and what music they listen to. Our findings suggest most people listen/watch music videos on their ipods, internet and at home. The most popular genres were Pop, R&B and Indie, this relates to our genre,  Pop with a quirky feel. The most popular video tat was listed as a favourite was Lady Gaga- Bad Romance because its 'visually well composed' and 'she pushes the conventions'. This is something our group would like to do for our Music Video task, to break the typical conventions and create something that could be played several times and the audience not loosing focus or getting bored of the video. Style was important, especially for the female audience, they said they pay attention to the outfits the artist is wearing and if it's something they would wear, the artist would become a 'fashion icon' and they would copy certain key peices of clothing. Overall from our findings, to hit our target audiences' needs we need to create a music video that can be converted to Ipod, therefore they can watch it there. It needs to break conventions so the audience doesn't get bored watching it, and it has to be fashionable for females to aspire to.

Liv x

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