Tuesday, 23 November 2010


In all music videos there are ideologies that are put across to the audience in the lyrics and also the  narrative and story line of the video, ideologies are used to appeal to the the target audience. The ideologies will change for every different music video, they change according to the the brand image or the artist. The dominant ideologies that occur in music video are often the same as those that crop up in today's modern day society such as...'consumerism' today's society is almost obsessed with disposable consumer goods. Mainstream media texts follow dominant ideologies they do this so the audiences accept the media texts, as they do not challenge what we believe an what we want to believe.

The ideologies that will occur in our video that 'love conquers all' this ideology crops up at the end of the video as we are planning to end the video with hands all over the girl after the whole video is of her searching for a man and at the end a man finds her.


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