The theme for our video is along the lines of a detective/James Bond, we have chosen this theme to link with the theme of searching for a man.
The narrative consists of the main character looking for the man who should have his 'hand back where it belongs' searching all through the song to fit with the detective/James Bond theme. the main character will stand out from the 4 dancers with a different appearance and costume. I think the narrative will work well with our artists as her image is feisty, sexy and glamourous which can be represented through the theme we have chosen.
The narrative will be constructed through the media language, as soon as the music starts the feisty and sexy image of the character is portrayed. The colours we will be using in the video will show the contrast between her being single bad and searching for her man being mainly dark colours then throughout the video we will be hinting of the good taking over her and then man coming back into her life, the hints will come through the white props costumes and backdrops coming into the video about half way through. The end of the video will be with just white props and costumes, we have chosen to do this as throughout the film she is searching for her man and not getting any attention but then at the end she has finished her mission and fitting to the song the 'hand' is 'back where it belongs'. Therefore the colours throughout the video will show the good and bad narrative.
The lighting throughout the film will fit with the narrative being bright for the parts where she is good and with limited lighting fitting with her bad side.
The camera shots and the movements will also construct the narrative as the searching theme will consist of fast camera movements along with fast pace editing. as well as creating an interesting narrative I think this will create an interesting music video and won't get boring.
Narrative theories
Although propps theory conists of 8 main characters and our narrative doesn't the characters in our video do fit in with the theory.
The hero: Lucy who is our main character as she is out to fins a man because there is a lack of them in her life.The villan in this case is the white colours taking over her bad side and trying to stop what the hero is trying to acheive. There are 2 helpers in our narrative that aid the hero, the 2 helpers being the backing dancers of our video. The princess in our video is the man, this is the main focus for our hero and is her reward in the end. Although our narrative isn't fitting with the 8 character theory we have still ecorparated 4 of the 8 characters.
Todrovs theory is that all stories begin with an equilibrium which is a state of balance and normality. the equilibrium is then disrupted by some event which alters things and then there becomes a second equilibrium which is a resolution to the problem caused in the disruption. in our music video the equilibrium will be the single girl searching for men, the disruption is the white colours invading and dragging her into the good side and finally the re-equilibrium is the girl being good again now she has a man.
The binary oppositions that will be created in the video could be:
good vs bad
single vs in a relationship
black vs white
girls vs boys
The enigma code theory will appear in our narrative, although only a small amount of enigmas will crop up the questions that might occur could be:
What is she looking for?
Will she find her man?
Who's hand does she want on her hip?