Friday, 15 October 2010

Initial Ideas and Audience

For our media project we are creating a Music video and also ancillary tasks, with a specific target audience. Using demographic profiling our target audience would be:
Aged between 15-25
White British
Middle/working class
The typical female's 'General Lifestyle' would be: Jess, 5ft 3, single, part time working in retail at a local boutique store whilst at college/university. Live with their parents, she is an outgoing, and creative individual studying photography and media at college. Loves listening to music and going out at weekends with her friends. Very much into fashion and style, spending her wage at Topshop, Jack Wills, Abercrombie and Urban Outfitters. Recently been on holiday with friends to Aiya Napa. Never apart from her Blackberry, or Ipod.

I have chosen these 2 photos of the types of females our group would be aiming to target for our niche media products.

Another theory we have looked at would be Uses and Gratifications theory, by Blumler, McQuail and Brown. Our media product would give:
Diversion- for the audience to get away from problems and dilemmas in their own lives.
Personal identity- creates an identity they can be recognized for and makes people aware of them. 
Personal relationship- they can relate with the artist through lyrics. Also bring up discussion with others.
Surveillance- the audience can see what is happening in the artists world.

We have studied Maslows Hierarchy, and our artist would provide, love and belonging, self esteem, and self actualization, creativity and meaningfulness to their audience as well as being an inspiration.

The Young and Rubicam theory discusses the different 'types' of audiences and puts them into categories. The aspirer, the reformer, the explorer, the succeeder, the resigned, the struggler, and the mainstream. They all have individual ideas and ways of choosing their music taste, fashion, and moral values. For example mainstream which makes up 60% of people, would be into chart music, follow fashion trends and tends to 'stay safe' in relation to thoughts and ideas to 'fit in with the crowd'. Their core need in life is 'security'. On the other hand 'the succeeder' would be someone who is very goal orientated and strive to be the best. Their core need in life is 'control'.
The young and rubicam theory helps target the audience with the help of Maslow's Hierarchy to find out what the target audience really needs and wants from the media product. Whether it's something mainstream or alternative to be different and quirky and to be a 'succeeder'.

The Genre of our Music video/artist will be niche pop, with a quirky and stylish twist. Similar artists of today would include: Lady Gaga, Cheryl Cole, Katy Perry, The Saturdays, Girls Aloud and Beyonce.

Liv x

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