Friday, 21 January 2011


This week we have created questionnaires for both our ancillary tasks and music video. We want our products to appeal to a young adult audience therefore our class members would be a perfect audience. We have also started our Evaluation, self evaluation is hard, having to be critical of our own work, but we have looked at other music videos and compared them to get a feel of the codes and conventions of typical music videos. As a group we have recorded a directors commentary to be played over our video including stills from our video and other music videos to show comparison.

Liv x

Final Ancillary Tasks - Album covers and 2x Album Magazine adverts

Audience feedback- class analysis

introduction to evaluation

Our group produced a music video fitting in with the pop genre, we each contributed to the products and had a go at each different technical part.

we are going to be critically evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of our...
Research and planning
Final products
ourselves on our time management, meeting deadlines, creativity, ability and our ideas

-we are going to be producing a directors commentary as a group, we will be comparing our own product to real media texts and we will be discussing how we've challenged the genre and narrative conventions.

-An individual powerpoint on how effective the combination of our products and ancillary tasks.

-A 'Prezi' presentation on what we have learnt from our audience feedback

-And finally a blog post on how we used media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages.


Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Scanned Audience Questionnaire

we used our questionnaires to gain feedback on our video, the questions we put on our questionnaire were specific so we could get the most feedback. although as a group we knew there was a few problems with the video that we wanted to change and when copying onto DVD the whole video did not copy and therefore we had to show our video that wasn't the completed version we had seen ourselves. we told the audience about this problem and therefore they took this into consideration.

We found out that our video looked quite professional and reflected our Pop genre very well. We found that the green screening wasn't the best but there were parts that had been done really well, the certain parts that didn't work well were the green screened images on the black background. From what our audience said we found that they thought the protagonist was very confident however she could have danced more. The lip synching was a hit with the audience and the wanted more to occur throughout the video as it was that good. The brand image was easily identified and worked well. The countdown wasn't too easy for people to understand the purpose of it however they liked it which was pleasing for our group to hear. Overall, we found that the editing techniques were very good and the variation was super.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Ancillary Tasks

Our Final Music video

Our Logo

THis is our Logo and the title of our album, we chose to use our artists name as the logo as we thought that the font we used was simple yet interesting enough to use as our logo.

 P C P P Y

This is our brand logo for Poppy. The text is downloaded from and is called 'Birth of a hero'. We chose this as it looks like something you would see on the front of an album cover and it is quite simple and doesn't over power our photographs 
